Sensori di visione nelle applicazioni industriali
Our 3D depth stitching article was published in italian magazene
Analog Dialogie Volume-58 - Enhancing Vision Sensor Capabilities- A 3D Image Stitching Algorithm for Expanded Field of View
Analog dialogue publication of 3D stitching article
Enhancing vision sensor capabilities with a 3D image stitching algorithm
The rising popularity of time of flight (TOF) cameras in industrial applications, particularly in robotics, is attributed to their exceptional depth computing and infrared (IR) imaging capabilities. Despite these advantages, the inherent complexity of the optical system often constrains the field of view, limiting standalone functionality. This article discusses a 3D image stitching algorithm designed for a supporting host processor, eliminating the need for cloud computation. This algorithm seamlessly combines IR and depth data from multiple TOF cameras in real time, producing a continuous, high quality 3D image with an expanded field of view beyond standalone units. The stitched 3D data enables the application of state-of-the-art deep-learning networks—particularly valuable in mobile robotics applications—to revolutionize the visualization and interaction with the 3D environment.